Plan Well. Live Well. 

As a team of dedicated, compassionate advisors, we believe in one simple philosophy: Plan Well, Live Well. Our mission is to help individuals and families capitalize on their passions in the present while also planning for their needs in the future.

Systematic Withdrawals in Retirement

Systematic Withdrawals in Retirement

Best-Performing Asset Classes

Best-Performing Asset Classes

Comparing Investments

Comparing Investments

The Cost of Medical Care

The Cost of Medical Care

Contact Us

<strong>Rachel Burks &#38; Shannon Lewandoski</strong>

Rachel Burks & Shannon Lewandoski

Contact this Team
<strong>Joe Heitkamp &#38; Todd Gentry</strong>

Joe Heitkamp & Todd Gentry

Contact this Team
<strong>Nick Dragan &#38; Valerie Baker</strong>

Nick Dragan & Valerie Baker

Contact this Team

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